Macam² Laptop

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Step Two, Windows Restore from Backup Image Files

Step Two, Windows Restore from Backup Image Files

1. Boot from Hiren's Boot CD or USB stick Hiren's Boot

2. In Hiren's Boot menu, select 'Start Boot CD'

3. Hiren's On Main Menu, Choose [2.] Backup Tool> [2.] Norton Ghost 11.5> [8.] Ghost (Normal). Wait a few moments until the Norton Ghost program running. Click [OK].

4. Select Menu> Local> Partition> From Image to restore partition from image file we created earlier.
Spoiler for image1:

5. Locate the Image file with the extension. Gho on your storage drives. Select, and end with the Open.
Spoiler for image 2:

6. Select the source partition / Source image file and then click [OK]
Spoiler for image 3:

7. Select the physical hard drive destination / Destination Restoration Windows, [OK]
Spoiler for image 4:

8. Choose a destination hard drive partition / Destination Restoration. Select Primary [OK]
Spoiler for image 5:

9. Dialog Box Appears When 'prosses With Restore Partition?' click [Yes]

10. Wait until 100% completed

11. Click [Reset Computer] to restart the computer.

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