Macam² Laptop

Saturday, July 2, 2011


1. Install the Mikrotik OS - Prepare a PC, minimum Pentium II does nothing RAM 64, HD flash memory 500M or packing 64 - On the server / PC must have at least 2 ethernet, one outward and one more to the local network manager who will in
bandwidth - Burn Source CD Mikrotik input into CD ROM - Boot from CD ROM - Follow the instructions, use the next-next syndrome and default - Install the main package, preferably all packet by marking (mark) - After all the packages marked for install then press "I" - Old Install normally less than 15 minutes, more meaningful if it fails, repeat the initial step - Once installed wrong, the PC restarts the login display will appear
2. Basic setting mikrotik
The initial steps of all the configuration steps are setting mikrotik ip
It is intended that Mikrotik can be remote and with Winbox and allows us to perform a variety of configurations - Login as the admin default password degan ga have to be filled immediately enter - After entering the command prompt type: [Ropix @ GblSdd]> ip address add address = interface = ether1 Replace it with the ip address and interface that will be used to remotely while - Ping to and from another computer - Following connect proceed to the next step, if not repeat step 2
3. Advanced Settings - Mikrotik ip access via a browser, it will display the welcome page and login - Click the link Download it for download Winbox who used to be a GUI remote mikrotik - Run Winbox, login as admin password is blank - Go to the menu at the top (interface), add the interface has been no reply by clicking the + sign - Add to this interface "bridge" for the proper functioning as a bridge mikrotik 

4. Setting Bandwidth limiter
- Click on the ip> firewall> magle

  Create a rule (click the + red) with the following parameters:
On the General tab:
Chain = forward,
Src.address = (or who want to limit ip)
On the Action tab:
Action = mark connection,
New connection-mark = con ropix (or the name of the mark that we make conection)
Click Apply and OK

  Create another rule with the following parameters:
On the General tab: chain = forward,
Connection ropix-mark = con (select from the dropdown menu)
On the Action tab:
Action = mark packet,
New pcket Mark = ropix (or the name of the packet marks that we make)
Click Apply and OK
- Click the Queues> Queues Tree
Create a rule (click the + red) with the following parameters:

  On the General tab:
Name = ropix-downstrem (eg),
Parent = ether2 (who is the outgoing interface),
Package Mark = ropix (select from the dropdown, just that we create on magle),
Queue Type = default,
Priority = 8,
Limit At = 8k (for minimum bandwidth)
Max limit = 64k (for a bandwidth setting brustable)
Aplly and click Ok

Create another rule with the following parameters:
On the General tab:
Name = ropix-Upstrem (eg),
Parent = ether1 (who is way into the interface),
Package Mark = ropix (select from the dropdown, just that we create on magle),
Queue Type = default,
Priority = 8,
Limit At = 8k (for minimum bandwidth upstrem)
Max limit = 64k (for a bandwidth setting brustable)
Aplly and click Ok
-Try browsing and downloading from the ip that we'd limit, Rate Queues must counter the rule was, if not check back earlier steps

- Green icon indicates the bandwidth is less than limits, turning yellow icon means the bandwidth is approaching full and red means full.

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